• Chris Dessi
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  • 10 Super Simple Ways to Improve Your Life by 10% in 2024

10 Super Simple Ways to Improve Your Life by 10% in 2024

10% is all it takes

After the chaos of Sept 11th, I made some positive changes in my life. I stopped partying, started sleeping better, and embraced morning workouts. My life didn't transform overnight; there were no grand declarations on September 12th. Yet, I gradually got fitter, read more books than I planned, and embarked on a journey of self-improvement.

This gradual change taught me a valuable lesson: life is an infinite game of continuous improvement.

It's about small, consistent steps, aiming for just a 10% improvement in various life aspects. These incremental gains can lead to significant transformations over time.

Morning MotivationStart your day off on the right foot with our daily dose of inspiration, practical tips and strategies for a more productive and fulfilling day through our Morning Motivation Newsletter.

Here are ten practical ways to achieve a 10% boost in your life this year.

Enhance Productivity with Time Management: I just started using the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking to structure my day more effectively. It’s difficult, but better than what I was doing in the past.

  1. Apps like Todoist or Trello can help. Let me know which one works best for you.

Boost Physical Fitness Gradually: Instead of drastic fitness goals, aim for a 10% improvement. Increase your workout duration, intensity, or frequency incrementally. My best advice here is to find a workout that includes varied workouts, and lots of people who will hold you accountable, and ideally make the workout more fun.

  • For example: Running groups, CrossFit (I know, I know), or any class environment.

  • If you prefer the lone wolf route - I get it, I once ran a marathon by myself. Then If you currently exercise 30 minutes a day, adding just 3 more minutes can make a difference. Remember, consistency is key.

Upgrade Your Skills: Identify key areas in your professional skill set that could benefit from improvement.

  1. Dedicate time each week to learning new aspects related to your field. The way I did it was to look at the gaps in my previous work year. I noticed that I was doing an inordinate amount of sales/rev ops tasks, and I wanted to get better. So I found an MIT online course on how to build high-velocity organizations and signed up. It was difficult at first to find the time, but I would log into web calls during my commute on the train and do homework on the weekends. Because I knew it was sharpening my axe, and making me a better and more valuable member of my team, I didn’t need to be motivated. I loved it! Maybe you will too?

  2. Online platforms like Coursera or LinkedIn Learning offer a plethora of courses that can enhance your skills by at least 10%. Here’s a full breakdown of all of the FREE classes offered by Coursera.  

Financial Health Check: Aim to improve your financial health by 10%. This could mean increasing your savings rate, reducing debts, or investing more wisely.

  1. I use Mint, but there are lots of these apps out there. Personal Capital can help track and manage your finances more effectively.

Enhance Networking: Grow your professional network by 10%. Attend industry events, join professional groups, or participate in online forums.

  1. Platforms like LinkedIn are great for connecting with peers and industry leaders.

Mindfulness and Mental Health: Dedicate a small portion of your day to mindfulness practices. Just 10 minutes of meditation, yoga, or journaling can significantly improve your mental health and stress levels.

Read More: Set a goal to read 10% more books this year. Whether for personal enjoyment or professional development, reading can expand your perspectives and knowledge. Consider joining a book club for motivation and discussion. I use Audible, and I listen to books at a 1.5x speed. It’s a hack I started years ago, and now I’m addicted to it. If I love the audiobook, I buy the real book. Silly, I know - but there is something about putting a book on my bookshelf in my study that I love.

Unconventional SuccessYour weekly dose of AI insights, self-improvement tips, and wealth-building strategies for a thriving future.

Improve Communication Skills: Work on enhancing your communication skills by 10%. This could involve practicing public speaking, writing, or even active listening. Tools like Toastmasters can be a great way to improve speaking skills.

Healthy Eating Habits: Improve your diet by incorporating 10% more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Small changes in your diet can lead to substantial health benefits over time. I use supplements to help - Athletic Greens are my morning post-workout - go-to routine.

Personal Development and Hobbies: Dedicate time to personal development or a new hobby. Spend 10% of your free time on activities that fulfill you, whether it’s learning a musical instrument, painting, or coding. I’ve found real joy in joining the School of Rock and playing with like-minded adults on a stage.

Improving by just 10% in these areas can lead to a more balanced, productive, and fulfilling life. Remember, the goal is not to overhaul your life overnight but to make manageable, incremental changes that add up over time.

Here's to a 10% better you in 2024!
